Just my thoughts...

Just my thoughts...
The randomness that is I

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day!!

(and Happy Steak and BJ day!)

I shall not be participating in either, LOL.

Today was the second day at the therapist. I've accomplished a few of the goals that she and I have talked about.

I'm very happy these days...

The evaluation team says I need to get down to 204. Yeah...

It will take some time, but hey, all I have to do is pull out old pictures for motivation.

Although, I've been really on a cooking/baking kick and I'm going to either have to stop or find someone to give what I fix.

There are two blogs I go to in order to get my down home southern food jones satisfied....Deep South and Yes, Divas can Cook and I need to get on Kween Can Burn, to see what I can make there.

I wish I'd had these recipes a long time ago, but then I'd be trying to lose even more weight than I am!

I suppose that one of these days I'll have a husband and when he asks if I can cook, I won't lie to him. So until then, have recipe, will cook!

If you have an AUTHENTIC jerk chicken recipe, get at me!

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