Just my thoughts...

Just my thoughts...
The randomness that is I

Monday, August 8, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 4-Guilty Pleasure

First of all, I apologize, I am REALLY off track with my days and I have a ton of blog reading to catch up on, but I promised myself and a few other people that I would take it easy when I got out of the hospital and I try to always keep my promises...

Today's photo is one of my Guilty Pleasures, shows on Vh1. I spend 7 hours in a chair, 3 nights a week and the lights go off within 30 minutes of my getting there, so I text, watch tv or listen to my best friend, Pandora. Normally it's a combination of the three.

I watch Basketball Wives, Mob Wives, Single Ladies, Behind the Music and sometimes their Movies That Rock, actually do!

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