Just my thoughts...

Just my thoughts...
The randomness that is I

Monday, August 8, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge Day 5-Red

Red is part of my "gear" I take with me to dialysis. Red goes over the top of my chair and down to the small of my back. There are 3 shifts that dialyze during the day and I just like to have my own cover. I also have an electric blanket that I lost the chord to long ago. I fold that in half and toss it over my thighs and shins, but not my feet. If too much fluid comes off my body, my feet will be the first to cramp and that heavy cover is just enough weight to get it started.

My son gave me one of his blankets to take with me and it's become my favorite. It has 4 wrestlers on it, including John Cena and MVP. That goes over me from shoulders to feet.

Then I have a memory pillow that I sit on. This year I developed sciatica, I guess from sitting so much and that helps.

I WILL be comfortable by any means necessary! LOLOLOL!

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