Just my thoughts...

Just my thoughts...
The randomness that is I

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I'm Addicted to You


You are one of my addictions

Once in the morning

Once at night

Sometimes again, in the wee hours

I love you

I start thinking about you toward the end of my work day, but I try to hold off for as long as I can.

If I don't keep myself busy when I get home, guess where I am?

You know...

I'm not sure I can describe the warmth I feel in your presence. It's almost a burning at first...

Then as my mind slips away, I try hard to remember how I feel just at that moment.

I love it hot. As things cool down, I heat them up again. Sometimes I even let you wet my hair.

This may sound crazy, but I like to do it at other people's houses too. Every experience is different.

I dig high pressure. Low? No go. It never lasts long. I think I'd like it with multiple heads.

I know they say we shouldn't do it too long, but I love my showers and I'm going to take long ones as long as I don't have to pay for water!

If I had this, I'd quit work so I could shower all day, LOLOLOLOL!

Such is life...

It's been a week since I've posted... I've just been dealing with some emotions. Life really is full of ups and downs and I honestly don't know how people who don't believe in God get by...

Last Wednesday I had that surgery to open my graft. I've had it so many times, I don't really even get anxious prior to surgery anymore.

I've tried to explain it before, but I found a really short video that can show you what happens during that surgery. Now they show 3 procedures, but the one they do on me is the first.

I went out last Friday and had a great time with some folks I'd never gone out with. Met some guys that were in town for business and we just talked and laughed until they turned the lights on.

I thought it was cute that one of the guys thought I was just a few years older than his 27. LOL, boy was he wrong!

Congrats to the Baltimore Ravens for their win. They've earned bragging rights for a year!

I thought Beyonce/Destiny's Child did a great halftime show. Kelly's been eating some red beans and rice and cornbread or something because she came back thick! Looks great on her!

I heard Keyshia Cole was going IN on Michelle on Twitter. Now I haven't seen these tweets personally, so it's all just hearsay on my part, but I HEARD that one of Michelle's fans (original rumor was that Michelle had sent it) had the ultimate comeback "I'm Destiny's Child, but you're Frankie's Child...you do the math. BOOM! LOL

Twitter beefs crack me up. I barely tweet anymore other than daily show reminders for TheSoulFM/Urbansoulz radio shows. Too many folks have too many opinons about too many things. (Remember, I'm trying to stay positive).

Yesterday, a friend's grandfather was laid to rest. It was a beautiful service. I was able to sit through it (I wasn't sure if I would be able to) and got to enjoy some waaaay overdue sisterfriend time and I got to see my babygirl (daughter of some dear friends) who is getting married in March.

I look at the calendar and realize that tomorrow is the anniversary of my son's father's passing and I know that's why I was extra emotional a few days ago. I think my emotions go haywire automatically, in the beginning of February anyway. I just think it starts a little earlier now.

And this too shall pass...