Just my thoughts...

Just my thoughts...
The randomness that is I

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Today I really would've liked to have had some type of script font. It's a curly letter kinda day...

I haven't quite decided what today's title will be.  It's a toss up between "A Letter to My Heart", A Conversation Between My Brain and My Heart" and "Heart, You Suck".

I have to tell you, my heart is a HARDHEADED summamamofo!

I told this daggone thing last year that we were done with long distance love, meaningless relationships and we were not doing the love thing again PERIOD, until I had taken some time to figure out who I'd become (do you know that each experience changes just a little bit of you?) 

Anyway, I got my mind into the single, not looking phase and not one, but two people that I'd had a crush on re-entered my life at the same time! What the hell?

I've developed a great friendship with both.  Neither of them live here.   At one point, I was really digging one that gave me no indication (at that time) that he felt the same.  I was cool with that.  Two great friends is not a bad thing at all.  Untilllll the other guy started feeling me.  That's when I realized that HE was the one I was really cool with just being friends with.

So now, here I am, great friends with a great guy that takes my breath away daily and another great guy

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